Compete with yourself

Swimming, biking, running. The triathlon is hard work, determination and a pinch of madness. Three disciplines, one product to meet every challenge. With the right clothing, live every moment to the full.

Like a second skin

The Alé Custom Lab™ Triathlon line is conceived and designed for teams that put quality materials and technology first.

Freedom of movement

Developed in collaboration with triathletes, our skinsuits offer a racing fit and ultra-lightweight fabrics. Their quick-drying, water-repellent DWE treatment is perfect for a smooth ride and optimal performance at every stage.
  • +30

    Years of experience in customised cycling clothing 

  • +5000

    Kits created for amateurs and professionals throughout our history 

  • 40

    Days delivery time from the layout approval

  • 10

    Minimum 10 units per item

Contact us

Minimum order of 10 kits. Delivery to 40 days from the approval of the sketch.

Contact us by filling out this form indicating your idea about your custom kit.