Child burns

Surgeons report alarming statistics: thirty percent of people who have suffered burns are children. Moreover, children under two years old account for half of these accidents.
The younger the children, the more dangerous burns are for them. Even a superficial burn injury is a service to a child's life with a large area. Limited deep burns can cause disability. Sometimes scars appear on the site of such burns, disrupting blood circulation and restricting movement. Most often, such burns occur on the hands or joints. To eliminate such consequences, doctors often resort to surgery.
A small child may get burned by a hot liquid – tea or milk. Often inattentive parents put the baby in a tub with hot water, without first trying it out. Burns often occur in infants when parents warm them with a hot water bottle, forgetting that children's skin is sensitive to high temperatures.
From the age of two, the child becomes mobile and inquisitive. He is attracted to electric irons or steam from a pot. Kids reach out with their hands to touch everything. The results of such curiosity are sad – scars, burns, amputation of fingers.
In high school, children can get burns from an open flame. Trouble is caused by fun with an explosive mixture, gunpowder or kindling fires with kerosene or gasoline.
Children are not able to assess the danger from fire, electricity, or hot liquids. So parents should stop games that are dangerous to their health. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that most often children's burns most often occur on weekends when mom and dad are at home. This is an indicator that adults are often careless towards their children.
If an accident has happened and the child is burned, give up self-medication. Do not lubricate the damaged area of the skin with fats. Home remedies are also prohibited.
If there are limited areas of damage, for example, on the hands or feet, place the affected limbs in cool water for two minutes and gently dry the skin with a soft towel. Next, apply a sterile bandage and take the baby to the hospital.
Remember that even a small burn can be the cause of death from shock. In case of extensive burns, free the baby from clothes. It should not be removed, but cut. Otherwise, the formed bubbles will be damaged. Next, wrap the child in a sheet and take him to the hospital, because only a doctor can recognize burn shock. Регистрация на vavada - ваш первый шаг к захватывающему миру азартных развлечений! Получите доступ к лучшим играм и эксклюзивным бонусам. Попробуйте удачу прямо сейчас!
