Restituzione e annullamenti
You have 30 days to request the return of any item.
For an item to be considered eligible for return, it must be in the same condition in which it was purchased, without having been used or washed, and with the original label attached. To initiate a size exchange or return procedure, please access the following link by filling in the text fields with your order ID and the email address used for the purchase:
You can also proceed with the return in your personal area, in the My Returns section.
Logistical information regarding your return:
- Returns of orders from Italy have a cost of 4€ per refund.
- Returns of orders from the rest of the EU have a cost of 10€ per refund.
- Returns of orders outside the EU have a cost of 25€ per refund.
- Product changes are completely free of charge in Italy and the EU. Extra EU the cost is 25€.
*Please note: Returns of products shipped from Friday 9 August 2024 will be handled from Monday 26 August 2024.
If you have any doubts or questions, please send an e-mail to:
For an item to be considered eligible for return, it must be in the same condition in which it was purchased, without having been used or washed, and with the original label attached. To initiate a size exchange or return procedure, please access the following link by filling in the text fields with your order ID and the email address used for the purchase:
You can also proceed with the return in your personal area, in the My Returns section.
Logistical information regarding your return:
- Returns of orders from Italy have a cost of 4€ per refund.
- Returns of orders from the rest of the EU have a cost of 10€ per refund.
- Returns of orders outside the EU have a cost of 25€ per refund.
- Product changes are completely free of charge in Italy and the EU. Extra EU the cost is 25€.
*Please note: Returns of products shipped from Friday 9 August 2024 will be handled from Monday 26 August 2024.
If you have any doubts or questions, please send an e-mail to: